Adding background images to the Navigation bar

This video should be viewed on a Ipad/Tablet or larger

Having Background images was originally a feature solely applied to the content pages (in KM's case pages that display the songs). The idea was to keep the Navigation bar straight forward and clearly legable. But nice backgrounds on content pages are only vividly apparent when search results come up with one song or artist. So it became apparent that to appeal to those who want more artistic input as to how their online catalog would appear, the option of applying background images to the navigation bar would be instrumental. Because the navigation bar takes up less space, expands and contracts according to the device viewing, the dimensions of the images become important. Tiling a large image in the navigation bar could easily look very silly, however having the image not tiled but displayed once could be very pleasant. So we implemented two more options besides tiling for applying background images to the navigation bar. Also to keep things legable for text/links against a background image we applied drop shadows. In this video we will be demonstrating the free tools in your browser that web developers use to test how their pages will look on different devices. Most of the videos made up to this point were made to appeal to those surfing the web with Androids/Iphones (viewports of widths between 360 - 420) which probably accounts for 60% of the web but 95% of people at events browsing songs to sing. This was probably a big mistake as the KJs logging into and using Karaoke Manager are most likely on a laptop and demonstration videos should have been displayed from that perspective when it came to the goings on in the Admin. We've set this video to appear as it would on a Ipad/Tablet.